Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Brain hurts, but... WorldCat

I searched on Worldcat for Nalini Singh's "Slave to Sensation". Amazingly enough, our own library has a copy! Who'da thunk it? I love the way WorldCat puts all the information about a title at your fingertips. This will make it a lot easier to find books for patrons through ILL... no more resorting to for me! Worldcat is definitely the way to go!


Alice said...

And Lady Rhian, you'll be pleased to know that we're putting Amazon reviews in many of the WorldCat records this summer--so even one more way to make your life easier and faster!

OCL Web Things said...

I've switched to using WorldCat for ILL forms too - I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner. :)

Did you get a chance to look at NetLibrary? That's the other part of Thing #12.

Elizabeth/OCL Web Challenge Committee